Episode 11 of season 18 of The Real Housewives of Orange County premiered on Bravo on September 19, 2024. Titled “Singled Out,” the episode features Tamra and Katie taking their daughters to a candle-making event.
New Friends with Shared Interests and Challenges
Katie mentioned that her daughter Kaili and Tamra’s daughter Sophia had only been friends for a short time. She noted their similarities, highlighting that both are artists and gamers, and that they have experienced similar challenges with their biological fathers.
During the candle-making event, Kaili expressed that she wouldn’t allow a guy into her life if he treated her poorly or was even slightly mean. Katie pointed out that this perspective might have originated from her own experiences with Kaili’s dad mistreating her mother.
In a confessional on The Real Housewives of Orange County, Sophia discussed her views on marriage, stating that it shouldn’t be taken lightly as most end badly. She emphasized that children are impacted by their parents’ separation, urging people to be more careful in choosing their marriage partners.
Fans of The Real Housewives of Orange County praised the insights shared by Sophia and Kaili, appreciating their thoughtful perspectives. However, some viewers noted that Sophia’s comments about parents abandoning children might have been a reflection on her own mother, given that Tamra’s other child, Sidney, lives with their father and has limited contact with her.
Fans Reaction
“I will say Tamra and Katie have pretty wise daughters. They both seem very mature. Sophia, especially, was speaking facts. It’s very irresponsible to have children when you truly don’t want them,” said a fan, reported by Sportskeeda.
Others shared this sentiment, noting that the two girls had the “right mindset” and recognized early on what they would not tolerate in a relationship.
“Sounds like Katie & Tamra’s daughters have the right mindset to me. they definitely knew from an early age exactly what they were not about to put up with,” said another fan.
“Oh man Tamra’s daughter reading her down for being an irresponsible and emotionally absent parent THIS is the kind of sh*t I’ve been wanting to see all season,” said a fan on X.
“Sounds like Tamra’s daughter is talking directly to her mammy in regards to ‘having kids to save marriages’…,” another fan wrote.
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