
Easy To Make Best Vegan Hotdogs Recipe

Strike The Vegan Diet Chord With Some Tasty Vegan Hotdogs

The vegan diet is now the shout of the day. Around the world, more and more people are joining the clan. Hence to diversify the meal, the vegan list is getting long and long. Hotdogs are very popular among various age groups of people. One can have it at any time. It can be served as snacks as well as a proper meal. Vegan hotdogs have its own craze. Vegetarians, as well as those, are abstained from having meats can easily have these hotdogs. They come in similar taste and appearance just with a different filler.

Now, this plant-based meat item is gaining a nod from various foodies. Many brands are also now available in the US, Canada, UK and will be soon available in Australia as well who are making vegan hotdogs. As per the market survey, customer approval is also highly rated.

You can also try this easy to cook the recipe at your home.

Tasty Vegan Hotdogs and its components

• Dried Lentils (200g)
• Flax Seeds (2 tbsp)
• Oat Flour (2 tbsp)
• Vegetable Broth (500g)
• Red Onion (1)and Carrot (1)
• Spinach
• Tomato Paste (1 tbsp)
• Lemon Juice and Garlic
• Vegan Sauce
• Black Pepper (2 tbsp)
• Italian Seasoning
• Paprika (2 tsp)
• Celery Seeds
• Mustard Powder (1 tsp)


How to Prepare Vegan Hotdogs?

Yes, though the list of the ingredients is pretty long still the process is an easy one. Just the process involves a few parts and few steps. Follow them and it is simple.

• Take a pan and soak the lentils in the vegetable broth as you boil it for half an hour.
• If oat flour is unavailable in the stores then process oats in a food processor until it turns into powder.
• When you are done with this, you are going to add rest of your ingredients inside the processor along with the cooked lentils. Make sure that everything is blended well and shapes up into a puree.
• Cool down the mixture for a couple of hours or even overnight. This thickens up the binding. Don’t skip this step tap shorten the process. They will not hold each other together unless they are cooled down properly.
• After your mixture has cooled down properly shape it up in the form of the roll. For molding the mixture into the shape of hotdog you can use hands as well as readymade silicon molds. Cook these rolls in the air fryer. Now place the roll inside the hotdog buns and covered it up with your favorite and preferred toppings.
• You can also use the oven if you don’t have an air fryer. You can cook for 27 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees F. But it lacks the crispiness of air fryer.

Summer outings are going to be more fun-filled as you have these tasty yet healthy Vegan hotdogs as your travel treat. Try them out and also explore the new ways of mix and match hotdog toppings and variants to make them more delectable for your family and kids as well.

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Written by Pritha

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