
Keto Pizza: Easy to Make Best Keto Pizza Recipe

Delicious and Easy Keto Pizza Recipe

Are you on a keto diet? Then this low card keto pizza is something you must try if you have not tried. This keto pizza has just 3 net carbs per slice. So, all you need to do is taste the pizza and add it to your diet!

If you are a pizza lover, then, of course, it isn’t easy to keep yourself away from cheesy bursts. Now, you do not need to stay away from it as you can make this delicious pizza on your own. All you need to do is follow the recipe. This pizza will take only 20 minutes, and it does not take any extra time to rise.


  1. Mozzarella cheese- 1 cup
  2. Cream cheese- 2 tablespoons
  3. Almond flour- 1 cup
  4. Egg- 1
  5. Baking Powder- 1 teaspoon
  6. Italian seasoning- 1 teaspoon
  7. Garlic powder- 1 teaspoon

These are the only seven ingredients you need for the dough.


  1. Preheat the oven to 450F.
  2. Now, add cream cheese and mozzarella to a large microwave bowl and melt it for 45 seconds.
  3. Take out the microwave bowl and then keep adding almond flour, egg, baking powder, Italian seasoning, and garlic powder. Combine all of them to make the dough.
  4. Take a large piece of parchment paper and transfer the dough into it. Cover the dough with another piece of parchment paper.
  5. The dough now needs to be flattened with a rolling pin to about ¼” thickness. Remove the parchment paper and shape the dough as desired.
  6. Now, the pizza dough needs to be transferred into parchment paper on a baking sheet. Bake the dough for 10 minutes.
  7. Open the microwave and keep it open. It needs to be topped with sauce, cheese and then bake for another 5 to 8 minutes. Best if it is baked until the cheese melts.

So, here is the keto pizza, which you should taste immediately if you haven’t.


Nutritional Value of Keto Pizza

The keto pizza provides 249kcal calories, 5g carbohydrates, 14g protein, 19g fat, 8g saturated fat, 61g cholesterol, 443mg sodium, 216mg potassium, 2g fibre, 2g sugar, 540IU vitamin A, 2.1mg vitamin C, 314mg Calcium, and 1.3mg iron.

Hence, there is a fair amount of nutrition in keto pizza. So, do not wait; give this pizza a try.


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