
Benefits Of Yoga: 8 Proven Health Benefits of Yoga

8 Impressive Proven health Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is arguably the most effective way of leading a healthy lifestyle. You can maintain a prescribed diet chart, you can follow a routine, you can do regular exercise but if you need an amalgamation of good physical and mental health yoga is the best option. But this is just a brief idea of what yoga has to offer you. Read the following to understand the benefits of yoga in detail.

Proven Health Benefits of Yoga

1. According to researchers, yoga is a great stress reducer. Regular yoga decreases the levels of the stress hormone called cortisol. This is how it helps in calming one’s mind and reduces the stress factor.

2. Several studies suggest that practising yoga helps a great cure to the anxiety factor as well. It helps to decrease the symptoms of anxiety in the human body.

3. Yoga prevents pro-inflammatory diseases as well. According to some studies, it does reduce inflammatory markers in the body and reduces the chances of pro-inflammatory diseases.


4. Yoga is proved to be great for the heart. A healthy lifestyle which includes yoga as one of the important parts may help decrease risk factors for heart disease. Yoga incorporates breathing exercises which help in improving lunch function.

5. Quality of life improves with regular yoga practice. It is often used as an adjunct therapy for some medical conditions. In the case of depression, yoga helps decrease the symptoms by influencing the production of stress hormones in the body.

6. In the case of chronic pain in osteoarthritis yoga slowly and gradually gives relief. For accurate migraine, yoga is proved to be a good healer as well. It may stimulate the vagus nerve and thus reduce the intensity of migraine.

7. Research shows that practising yoga can help improve balance and increase flexibility. Thus it helps increase overall strength and endurance in a body.


8. Regular yoga contributes to sound sleep. It often encourages mindfulness, which eventually promotes mindful eating and healthy eating habits. This means a great food habit and tight sleep for a healthy life.

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Written by Smrati Khare

Smrati is the news and content strategy editor at, where she manages coverage of celebrities and royals. She has a keen interest in sports (particularly Cricket and Football) and also heads operations for When she's not working, she loves traveling and exploring old-world cities; Smrati is also a technology enthusiast and M.Tech in Digital Communications and NoC.

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