
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss: How to Use It Effectively

If you have a busy schedule and you don’t have time for exercise or walk, you must have been worried about the unexpected weight gain. And it is quite obvious due to the undisciplined routine being followed. But now, you can have a permanent solution addressing such concern which is quick as well as simple for a well-maintained lifestyle. Yes, you can add apple cider vinegar for weight loss.

It’s nothing more than some apple cider vinegar to take away your unnecessary tension on the go! However, acetic acid happens to be the only secret behind the solution and acts as a major active component to fulfill one’s goals.

How Apple Cider Vinegar helps in Weight Loss

Apple Cider Vinegar is a short-chain fatty acid that dilutes into acetate and hydrogen followed by consumption. Here go some of its benefits as proven by few researches:

1. Decreases blood sugar levels Improves the potentiality of liver and muscles to intake sugar from the blood.


2. Reduces insulin level: Lessens the ratio of insulin to glucagon, which favors the burning of fat.

3. Betters metabolic rate: Increases the quantity of enzyme AMPK, decreasing fat and sugar production in the liver.

4. Lowers fat storage: Obese, diabetic people can be treated with acetic acid or acetate to prevent weight gain and also boosts the expression of genes reducing belly and liver fat.

5. Burns fat: Supplementing a high-fat diet with acetic acid contributes to a steady increase in the genes responsible for fat burning. It thus leads to less body fat build-up comparatively.


6. Suppresses appetite: One research has indicated that acetate might suppress centres in one’s brain which control appetite. It in turn leads to decreased food intake.
However, don’t forget to note that for similar results in humans, studies are yet to be conducted.
Will it aid to lose weight in the human body?

Indeed, studies conducted on human beings have proved that apple cider vinegar amounts for spectacular effects.

If you take 1/2 tablespoons (15/30 ml) of vinegar per day without consuming alcohol, you can see the following outcomes-

• Weight loss of about 2.6/3.7 pounds
• Decrease in body fat percentage rated between 0.7%-0.9%
• Decrease in waist perimeter ranging between 0.5 in 1.4 cm/ 0.75 in 1.9 cm
• Decrease in the proportion of triglycerides would be around 26%

Additionally, losing belly fat would be obvious to analyze such impacts.

When How to take apple cider vinegar for weight loss?

One can mix the solution into the water and drink it. The best method to be adopted for a consistent diet would be to divide it into 2–3 doses in a single day which can be drunk before meals.
But always remember that taking more than 1 tablespoon (15 ml) at a time can cause nausea.


Lastly, you might have also heard that tablets are available for the solution to pose various beneficiaries. In probable terms, they aren’t just devoid of high risks.

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Written by Shohini Das

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