
Types Of Keto Diet Foods You Must Know!

Know Keto Diet Foods

The ketogenic diet is something health-conscious people are craving in this era of the busy schedule. A Keto diet foods helps in reducing body fat, controlling blood sugar levels, and keeping the heart healthy. According to research, its low carb and high-fat content show promising results against obesity, diabetes, and epilepsy.

It helps in combating dangerous diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease too. As prevention is better than cure, the ketogenic diet is recommended to start at a very early stage for long-term safety. A proper ketogenic diet limits carbohydrates to 20 to 50 grams per day. So, this prevents a lot of health issues caused due to carbohydrates, without any exercise.

Here, three must know keto diet foods are given below:

1. Seafood 

Seafood, especially fish and shellfish, are considered to be very efficient keto-friendly foods. Sea fishes, especially salmons, are highly mineral-rich. Other than that, vitamin B, Potassium, and Selenium are found in sea fishes in a high amount. For different types of seafood, the carbohydrate level is different. Among the shellfishes, crabs and shrimps contain no carb. Although other shellfish do have some amount of carb, the amount is so low that these can be considered keto-friendly foods.


2. Low Carb Vegetables

Vegetables are highly rich in fiber content. The human body can not digest fibers, but it fills the stomach. Also, vegetables are highly nutrient for the human body. Low-starch vegetables are trendy among keto diet foods. The low-calorie content and low carbohydrate content of these foods put them into the keto diet category. Several vitamins, especially vitamin C and minerals, help the human body boost the immune system. All the keto-friendly vegetables contain very low net carb. Bet carb is measured as the total amount of carb minus fiber. But starchy vegetables like potatoes or beets contain a high amount of net carb. So, those cannot be considered to be keto-friendly.

3. Cheese

Most of the cheeses are very low in carb content and very rich in fat. This characteristic of cheese makes it categorized into keto diet food. Other than that, cheese is highly protein-rich and calcium-rich. Although the saturated fat content of cheese is very high, it does not affect the heart. The conjugated linoleic acid content of cheese makes it efficient in fat burning and improvement in body composition.

So, to get a better body metabolism and a healthy food habit, start your keto diet from today.

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