
Five Tips To Follow While In Gym

The gym is an indispensable part of the daily routine for many of us. As there are fewer scopes of outdoor activities, people are nowadays more into working out in the gym. It not only helps to keep us fit and healthy but also helps to reduce our stress level. But even when in the gym you need to follow certain etiquettes that help to improve the outcome of your workout regime. Here we will discuss five tips to follow while in Gym.

1. Don’t Follow Others

Well, don’t try to copy others blindly. Follow the guidelines of your gym instructor. Just because you find something fascinating doesn’t mean that you have to hop in for that instantly. The toughest guy working out in another corner of the gym may be your role model. He may be doing some tough exercises. But before you start following his footsteps, make sure whether your health permits you to do the same. Otherwise, the result is going to be fatal. You may get hurt badly. You may not be able to attend the gym for days or you may suffer from a lifetime ban on any stressful activities. So just think a while before you start copying someone blindfold.

2. Use Weight Collars While Lifting


Make sure about using weight collars while using barbells. No matter whatever weight you are lifting, weight collars are a must. The plates may slide and you may end up hurting yourself badly. There are many such instances. So you need to stay careful about these small lifesaving tricks. If suddenly the plates fall off, there are high chances of losing your balance.

3. Don’t Rest For Long In Middle Of Workout

You are just done with a tedious session of leg exercise. As you are completely exhausted, you may think of resting for a while. It’s a very bad decision. You can definitely relax for a few minutes but not more than that. On a tiring leg day session resting for a long time is detrimental as it reduces the flow of the blood to the muscles. It is better to walk around briskly to drain the by-products that are responsible for muscle fatigues. You will need more time to make yourself ready for the next set by limiting your blood flow. If you take frequent gaps amidst your leg exercising session then your recovery rate is simply lowered.

4. Stay Away From Mobile


Well, if you stay a few hours away from your mobile, the world will not come to an end. Mobile will distract your attention and you will lose your count. Frequently you will come across lifters who for no reason fiddle with mobile in the middle of a weight lifting session. You can easily get carried away with social media and will completely mess up with your resting period. If you are actively tracking your record then it’s fine. But otherwise, it is advisable to stay away from your mobile. Stay away from texting even when you are not exercising. You may bump into others and hurt them.

5. Add Weight As Per Your Form

There is a tendency among the lifters to randomly increase the weight as they think that prove their strength. But they are ignorant about their forms. This is not at all a smart decision. Instead, it is pretty dangerous. You may learn fast to curl up your biceps. But learning to deadlift will not be a cakewalk for you. Follow the suggestions from experienced ones, watch real videos and slowly keep on practising. Don’t hurry in an irrational way for quick progression. Resist yourself from the temptation of adding plates without considering your form.

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Written by Pritha

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