In the action-packed world of Dragon Ball Sparking ZERO, Jiren, a formidable opponent from the Dragon Ball Super series, receives his own branching storyline in the game’s Episode Mode. This mode allows players to experience character-specific narratives, and Jiren’s path is one of the most intriguing, revealing insights into his strength and evolution. Here’s a breakdown of Jiren’s Branching Path, its unique features, and how players can navigate through it.
Starting Jiren’s Branching Path
Before unlocking Jiren’s path, players must first complete Goku’s Episode Battle mode, specifically the mission titled “Goku’s Strength.”
Jiren’s branching storyline, called “True Strength,” becomes available after this. It’s recommended that players first complete Jiren’s campaign mode before diving into the branching path to get a solid understanding of his combat style and abilities.
The storyline involves key battles, such as fighting Kale (the Legendary Super Saiyan) and Master Roshi, with decisions made during these encounters affecting the progression of the story.
During the campaign, players must make a critical choice during the “Saiyan Rampage” episode.
When Kale turns into the Legendary Super Saiyan, players should intervene and quickly defeat her and other enemies. This action helps set the stage for Jiren’s growth and future battles.
Jiren’s Battle with Master Roshi
One of the key moments in Jiren’s Branching Path is his confrontation with Master Roshi.
After completing the Saiyan Rampage episode, players should replay the mission but this time avoid intervening in the dialogue. This decision unlocks endurance battles, culminating in a duel with Roshi.
This fight is significant as Roshi not only tests Jiren but also offers him valuable wisdom that aids in completing the Ultimate Climactic Battle faster.
Upon completing the battle, Jiren makes a powerful wish to restore all erased universes, earning him 100,000 Zeni, the Jiren’s Saga True Strength photo collection, and access to the Super Dragon Ball.
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