In a heartwarming reunion that echoes the beloved nostalgia of the iconic sitcom Friends, Courteney Cox and Brad Pitt came together at the Rock4EB fundraising event in Malibu on September 21. Nearly 23 years after Pitt’s memorable guest appearance as Will Colbert, the duo, alongside a star-studded lineup including singer Pink and actress Kaley Cuoco, celebrated both the show’s enduring legacy and the important cause behind the event, which raises funds for research into epidermolysis bullosa. Reflecting on the impact of *Friends* as it marks its 30th anniversary, Cox shared her fond memories of the series and the timeless appeal of her character, Monica Geller.
Friends Reunion: A Nostalgic Gathering
Courteney Cox and Brad Pitt reunited at the Rock4EB fundraising event in Malibu, nearly 23 years after Pitt’s memorable guest appearance on “Friends.” The star-studded gathering featured not only Pitt and Cox but also singer Pink and actress Kaley Cuoco, among others. Hosted by Judd Apatow, the event raised funds for research into epidermolysis bullosa, a rare skin condition.
Pitt’s guest role on “Friends” in 2001 showcased his comedic talent as he played Will Colbert, a high school friend of Ross Geller, who harbored a strong dislike for Rachel Green. At that time, Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston, who portrayed Rachel, making the episode even more noteworthy given their real-life connection. Aniston recently recalled their time together fondly, with her co-stars echoing her sentiments about Pitt’s performance.
Reflections on Friends: Timeless Impact
Cox reflected on the 30th anniversary of “Friends,” expressing disbelief at how quickly time has passed since the show aired. She reminisced about how the cast would often look forward to upcoming events but now feels time slipping away. “We used to say, ‘Oh, I can’t wait for this month,’” she noted, acknowledging how different her perspective is now.
Despite not watching the show frequently, Cox acknowledged the enduring appeal of “Friends,” stating that every joke still resonates and the characters remain beloved by audiences across generations. Her character, Monica Geller, continues to be a defining role for her, as she humorously quipped, “Monica is alive and well. Are you kidding?”
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