In a startling incident at Chongqing Zoo, a zookeeper found herself in a precarious situation when a playful panda named DingDing began to chase her around the enclosure. The unexpected chase, which unfolded on the morning of September 19, left onlookers both alarmed and fascinated as the zookeeper attempted to secure the den door while inadvertently provoking the curious panda. Fortunately, both the zookeeper and DingDing emerged unharmed, prompting an investigation into the incident and a review of safety protocols at the zoo.
A Close Call in the Panda Den
On the morning of September 19, a zookeeper at Chongqing Zoo faced an unexpected and frightening situation when a panda named DingDing began to chase her inside the animal’s den. As the zookeeper attempted to clean the enclosure, she neglected to secure the door behind her. This mistake led to a series of chaotic events that had visitors on edge as they witnessed the encounter unfold.
Initially, the zookeeper reached for the door to secure it, but her attempts only seemed to irritate DingDing. When the panda began to approach, the zookeeper quickly retreated to the far side of the den. However, when she made a run for the door, DingDing intercepted her, sparking a dramatic chase around the enclosure. The scene escalated as the panda cornered the zookeeper, leading to a moment of panic for both the keeper and the onlookers.
Aftermath and Investigation
Fortunately, both the zookeeper and DingDing emerged from the incident without serious injuries. Witnesses reported that the panda appeared to be playful rather than aggressive, but the situation was undeniably tense. After DingDing momentarily lost interest, the zookeeper was able to get back on her feet and escape the den. Zoo officials have since stated that they are monitoring both the animal’s behaviour and the protocols surrounding enclosure security to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The Chongqing Zoo has launched an investigation into the circumstances that led to this close call. A spokesman emphasized the importance of ensuring that all staff are trained to secure enclosures properly and highlighted the need to assess the panda’s behaviour for any signs of stress. This incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of working with wildlife, even in settings designed for their care and conservation.
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