Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested at Bourget airport near Paris on Sunday. Durov, 39, was apprehended following a French arrest warrant that targets him for various alleged offences related to his platform. French media report that the charges include fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and organized crime.
Allegations and Investigation
The French agency OFMIN, which focuses on the prevention of violence against minors, has been investigating Durov and his messaging app.
The allegations suggest that Telegram’s lack of moderation has allowed criminal activities to flourish unchecked.
French authorities are particularly concerned about the app’s encryption features, which make it difficult to monitor illegal activities.
The investigation reportedly began after a series of incidents where Telegram was used to facilitate criminal activities.
According to French media outlets TF1 TV and BFM TV, Durov’s decision to enter France despite the arrest warrant surprised the authorities.
One investigator commented that the time for “Telegram’s impunity” is over, indicating that the app’s popularity and encryption features might have contributed to the delay in addressing these issues.
International Reactions and Telegram’s Popularity
Durov’s arrest has sparked international reactions, especially from Russia, where Telegram has had a contentious history. Russian officials have accused France of acting in a “totalitarian” manner.
Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s representative to international organizations in Vienna, criticized the arrest, suggesting that prominent figures in the international information space are no longer safe in certain countries.
The arrest has also drawn criticism from tech mogul Elon Musk, who tweeted, “It’s 2030 in Europe, and you’re being executed for liking a meme,” highlighting concerns about freedom of expression and the increasing scrutiny of digital platforms.
Telegram, which Durov and his brother founded in 2013, has grown to nearly one billion users globally.
The app has become a key communication tool, especially during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, where it serves as a major source of unfiltered news and content.
Despite its popularity, Telegram has faced increasing scrutiny from European governments due to concerns over security and data breaches.
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